Permanent public art installation at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in Commerce City, CO, 56th and Uvalda pedestrian entrance

Created by Drew Austin and Finley Baker, 2024

This work combines drawings of local flora and fauna found throughout the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge with drawings from community members and youth organizations in Montbello to create artwork that offers a warm and welcoming invitation to explore this wildlife refuge, located here at 56th and Uvalda.

Drew Austin and Finley Baker have worked together in many capacities for years and this is their first permanent public art project. Their work explores the natural world and how humans operate within it, gender and queer themes, and has a strong emphasis on drawing practices and digital media.

Tracing the Land was produced by Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges and Watson Wenk Group. Special thanks to Evan Beloni, Eric Dallimore, and Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK) for their connection to the surrounding communities.